
September 26, 2022

How To Clean Granite Worktops?

Keeping your new Granite Kitchen Worktops looking their best for years to come can be easy.

They are hard wearing and suppled with a pre-sealed surface making maintenance easy.

Quarella Kitchen Worktops

Some of the things that we recommend you do to your Granite Kitchen Worktops are:

  1. Avoiding spills – If any liquid gets on to your Granite Kitchen Worktops, then try to clean them up straight away to avoid the liquid drying on the surface. Wipe the spill as quickly as possible.
  2. Cleaning the surface – Use just warm soapy water to clean and spills on the surface. Also make sure that you are using no abrasive cleaner on them.
  3. Hard water – In some parts of the country, the water can be hard and can therefore leave dull patches on your Granite surface. Make sure these are wiped away as quick as possible to avoid any dark patches appearing.
  4. Heat – Try to avoid putting anything hot onto your Granite Kitchen Worktops. Use a chopping board or tripod to place your pots and pans on to protect the surface.
  5. Acidic and chemicals – Avoiding anything acidic for example cutting lemons around your Granite or using any oils that may begin to soak into the surface. Wiper up any of these spills as soon as possible.
  6. Resealing Worktops – To make sure that your Granite Worktops stay looking their best, we would recommend that you get them resealed every year, especially in a busy household.


As previously mentioned, the best way to keep your Granite Worktops looking their best is to keep on top of the cleaning of them. This is by simply using a microfibre cloth and some warm water. Buffing the surface after cleaning can also keep it looking shin and eliminates any water spots or streaks.

Longer term protection would include keeping hot pans away from the surface and making sure that you are avoiding chopping food directly onto the surface.

Ice Max Black Quartz Table

Rowe Granite – Granite Kitchen Worktops

Having your own quality Granite Kitchen Worktops is an excellent addition to your home. Each stone is a unique piece of art, that is why they are so popular, no two worktops will be the same.

Rowe Granite have over 50 years of combined Father & Son experience in the trade of supplying and installing Granite. We have ploughed their wisdom and knowledge into their now large experienced staff. The staff we have are helpful, hard-working and dedicated to delivering the best outcome for our customers.

We have a huge range of high quality range of Granite worktop colours, styles and patterns along with Quartz Work Surfaces to choose from too. We offer a free no-obligation quote as we offer the best Granite Worktop prices to help you along your way to your dream worktops. Contact us now to start your journey to Granite and Quartz.

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